Al Harrington and Golden State Warriors Wallpaper

Al Harrington Golden State Warriors
Al Harrington is one of the most experienced players in the team of Golden State Warriors. Player is in the proffecional basketball from 9 years and has helped very much to the team from Golden State. Player has own statistic for the previous season of PPG 12.8, RPG 8.80, APG 1.3, EFF + 13.25. Al Harrington is also very tallanted player. He is still 27 years old, and now has 9 years in NBA. All the fans love him and hope that this player will make them very happy in the next season matches.
You can get wallpaper of Al Harrington and Golden State Warriors. It is with resolution of 1024x728 pixles and a size of 215 kB. It can be easily yours with one simple action, just click on the image with the right button of your mouse and then "Save Target As...". See every day Al Harrington and Golden State Warriors on your desktop and have a nice time with your favourite NBA Wallpapers.

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